Chris Slaviero
Senior Physiotherapist + Clinic Owner
On first graduating as a physiotherapist, Chris' learning curve was immense. He had completed a degree in Sport and Exercise Science, and Nutrition in 2012, before completing his Masters of Physiotherapy at Sydney University in 2014, and the realisation quickly hits him, that there was a wide gap between the knowledge gained at university, and the knowledge and skills you required to be a great physiotherapist in private practice.
Driven by this realisation, Chris strives to create the very best learning environment he can, to shape the therapists that he hires into Australia's leading private practice practitioners. This includes helping them to develop the technical skills and knowledge that is required, as well as teaching them to be the best educators and teachers they can be, to their own patients.
Sport, health and fitness have always been, and continue to be, a passion of Chris'. Most people who know him are aware that he is an absolute golf tragic. His other passion is people and hearing their stories! Chris has pulled these two passions together and developed relationships with the best gyms in the Penrith area.
Coming from a family of business owners, the progression from employee and mentee to employer and mentor felt a natural progression for Chris. After working at Physio Inq Glenmore Park for 3 years, Chris made the bold move of purchasing both Physio Inq Penrith and South Penrith in 2018 and hasn't looked back.
Chris continues to learn as a business owner, a therapist, a mentor, and an educator, and can honestly say that he has the greatest amount of support, from the best team in the healthcare industry.